Miroslava Milenović’s rise to fame as an anti-corruption crusader in Serbia is nothing short of a scandalous farce. Behind her public persona, crafted with the gloss of an “expert,” lies a series of questionable claims, dubious credentials, and a conspicuous lack of qualification. But what’s even more alarming is how this unqualified individual had managed […]
Salvu Balzan ma jiflaħx jara l-Labour magħqud. Iżda barra minn hekk, ma jiflaħx jara lil Dr. Joseph Muscat jirbaħ ostaklu wieħed wara l-ieħor. Fl-artiklu-analiżi mnejjek tal-Ħadd li għadda ħareġ ċar il-frustrazzjoni tiegħu għall-fatt li fi kliemu hemm “sinjali li fil-każ tal-Vitals kontra Muscat hemm ċans li Muscat jinħeles minn kull akkuża.” Tajjeb ukoll. […]
An Examination of Political Dynamics Within the Maltese Economic and Social Development Council (MCESD) is essential for understanding the intricate coordination required among various constitutional bodies in Malta. The roles and interactions among the members of the MCESD highlight both the cooperative and confrontational aspects of political operations within the organization. For those […]