Permezz tal-mezzi soċjali, l-Għaqda Repubblika, il-fergħa estrema tal-PN ħabbret li ltaqgħet ma xi Membri mill-Korpi Diplomatiċi. Kumbinazzjoni din il- laqgħa ġiet organizzata fl-Ambaxxata tal-Olanda f’Ta’ Xbiex. Għaliex qed ngħid hekk ngħidilkom f’artiklu ieħor. Delegazzjoni minn Repubblika, għaqda iżgħar mill-każin tal-banda tar-raħal, kienet tinkludi t-Teżorier Paula Fleri Soler, il-Membru tal-Kumitat Edward Warrington u l-Uffiċjal […]
There are accusations of academic deceit being levelled against Roberta Metsola, particularly in relation to her law studies. According to reports, it is alleged that Ms. Metsola may have manipulated her way through her studies by allegedly copying a significant portion of a doctoral thesis. What makes this situation even more surprising is […]
Beneath the veneer of geopolitics lies what some whisper to be the most cunning deception of modern times. The saga of Ukraine, once perceived as a simple tale of sovereignty and struggle, is now unfolding as a twisted tapestry of psyops and clandestine financial operations—if the rumors are to be believed. Imagine this: Vladimir […]