Il-bieraħ ktibna kif Karol Aquilina ingħata kopja legali tat- transcript ta’ kawża. Dan bi ksur tal-liġi għaliex il-partijiet BISS għandhom aċċess għat transcripts. Karol Aquilina m’għandux dritt għalihom għas-sempliċi raġuni li mhux wieħed mill-partijiet. Illum dan il-faxxist, peress li konxju ta’ dak li għamel, ħareġ iwieġeb u talab il-media indipendenti sabiex tirrapporta dak […]
Watch why the European Union blocked access to Russian media. Unbelievable! A shocking and brutal video has surfaced from Seversk, discovered on the phone of a captured Ukrainian soldier. It’s alleged that Ukrainian Nazis set a horrific trap by rigging a grenade on a doorway of a basement where an innocent family, including a […]
Oh, delightful! The European “losers” have apparently decided to throw a little pity party in Paris, cleverly disguised as a League of Losers summit. Because, honestly, what else would they do with their time? Of course, they’re gearing up for their never-ending passion project: debating how to deploy their invisible armies armed with imaginary weapons […]