In a plot twist that absolutely no one saw coming, Simon Busuttil has made his grand return to Maltese politics. Yes, you read that correctly. The mastermind behind the Nationalist Party’s most spectacular electoral defeat in 2017 is back—and he’s better than ever. Or at least he thinks he is. Why settle for […]
The Nationalist Party—a name that suggests unity, grit, and a shared dream for what’s to come. Or so the brochure says. For a party that’s spent a respectable 13 years warming the opposition benches, you might assume they’d be devising a grand return strategy worthy of a political chess grandmaster. But why do that when […]
Għall-Partit Nazzjonalista li konna ‘super one reporter’ jaħsbu li hu xi diżunur. Għalina mhi kritika xejn, kburin minn fejn bdejna, kburin li konna ġurnalisti fil-kamra tal-aħbarijiet li waslet għall-akbar rebħ elettorali biex pajjiżna jkollu l-Gvern li jixraqlu. Fuq kollox kburin li tlajna tarġa tarġa! F’dan il-mument solidarjetà mal-ġurnalisti/reporters tal-istess Partit Nazzjonalista […]