Erġajt ġejt neżerċita d-dritt tal-libertà tal-espressjoni fuq l-monument tal-Assedju fil-kampanja tiegħi u tagħkom biex dan il-monument nazzjonali jerġa’ jsir tagħna lkoll. L-għaqdiet estremisti Repubblika u Occupy Justice jorganizzaw velja li ssir kull 16 tax-xahar biex ifakkru l-assassinju tal-ġurnalista Daphne Caruana Galizia. Aħna wkoll kmieni dalgħodu ġejna fuq il- Monument tal-Assedju l-Kbir sabiex […]
Tired of the same headlines? Explore our Foreign News section, where we delve into stories and perspectives often overlooked by mainstream Western media. Our dedicated team brings you in-depth, diverse, and intriguing reports from around the globe, providing insights you won’t find elsewhere. Stay informed, challenge your views, and broaden your understanding with […]
Officials from the United States and Russia are scheduled to meet in Saudi Arabia next week as they organize a potential summit between President Trump and President Putin. The summit, expected to take place by the end of the month, will focus on negotiating an end to the conflict in Ukraine. While specific […]