1. Ma jistax jixhed waħdu u għandu jkollu nies oħra miegħu. 2. Ma jistax jixhed mingħajr ma jkollu l-mistoqsijiet minn qabel. 3. Ma jistax jiġi Malta u għandu bżonn jixhed online. 4. Ma jistax jaqbad u jiġi jixhed għax għandu l-mara ma tiflaħx u jrid idur biha. 5. Ma jistax iġib ċertifikat […]
The Nationalist Party – a name that so beautifully encapsulates unity, solidarity, and a shared vision for the future. Or, at least, that’s what you’d expect. For a party that’s spent a commendable 13 years in the chilly embrace of opposition, one might think they’d be busy plotting a comeback strategy to rival any political […]
The European Union, as is well known, is a bureaucratic behemoth capable of hiding operations that are anything but transparent behind complex technical jargon. The latest in order of time involves a massive disbursement of 132.82 million euros earmarked for the media in the year of the European elections, a flood of money that, rather […]