Fil-ħajja dejjem titgħallem. Tikber u timmatura.Però Roberta Metsola jew qed tikber u tiblieh, inkella qed nibda nissuspetta li qed tpejjep xi sustanza qawwija. Dan huma kummenti li għamlet dwar ir- Russja; “The EU cannot ignore the fact that Russia is a neighbor of the community and a global player. Europe will have to […]
X’ kellu xi jgħid Politico (li ħadu flus biex jgħidu kontra Trump) dwar Metsola? Waqqgħuna għan-nejk. Issa marret tippoża Gaza biex tipprova tinġabar mall-Palestinjani. L-irrelevenza tagħha se ssir dejjem aktar ċara.
Oh, how delightful! Another episode of the political soap opera featuring none other than the Hon. Alex Borg, who is apparently convinced that Robert Abela and his merry band are orchestrating an intricate plot to target the revered families of their critics. Because, clearly, there’s nothing else going on in politics worth attending to, right? […]