In a hush-hush charade worthy of a political thriller, a staggering €132.82 million of EU funds vanished into what critics are ominously dubbing the “shadow zone” of Brussels. This clandestine operation, orchestrated with the deft hands of influential figures like Maltese Parliament President Roberta Metsola and war monger Ursula von der Leyen, the German […]
In a shocking tirade that could only be described as a scandalous display of hysterics and political extremism, Karol Aquilina took to the parliamentary podium, demonstrating the poison that has seeped into the very core of the PN. Not content with simply expressing his views, Aquilina—who’s rapidly becoming the PN’s de facto leader—has thrust himself […]
Fuq il-mezzi soċjali, l-Onor. Alex Borg qal li Robert Abela u sħabu issa waslu biex jattakkaw anke l-FAMILJI ta’ min jikkritikahom. Dan b’referenza għal Mistoqsija Parlamentari relatata ma ommu. Tajjeb li ngħidu li Dr. Mary Debono Borg, omm Mr. Red Carpet, hija Direttur illi tamministra l-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja f’Għawdex. Is-Sinjura Mary Debono Borg ilha […]