Jeremy Harbinson, l-espert prinċipali li b’daqqa ta’ pinna tal-Maġistrat Gabriella Vella daħħal f’butu xejn anqas minn 11-il miljun Ewro, għandu l-ardir li jinjora lill-Qrati Maltin u b’mod arrogganti jevita kwalunkwe responsabbiltà mitluba minnu. F’Affidavit li għadu kemm ġie ippreżentat, bl-aktar mod sfaċċat iddikjara li m’għandu l-ebda obbligu kuntrattwali jew morali biex jiġi jipparteċipa […]
Can you believe the sheer audacity of Jeremy Harbinson? This man has managed to pocket a jaw-dropping 11 million Euros and still has the nerve to snub Malta, arrogantly dodging any shred of accountability for his actions. The gall of this individual is documented in a sworn Affidavit where Harbinson brazenly declares […]
Simon Busuttil, a former leader of the opposition, has returned to Malta, bringing with him the toxic political climate he once supported. His tendency for personal attacks and sensationalism has only served to tarnish Malta’s reputation on the international stage. Instead of promoting constructive dialogue, he resorts to fear-mongering regarding proposed reforms to the criminal […]