Jeremy Harbinson, l-awtur tal-Inkjesta tinten pesta, u li b’daqqa ta’ pinna tal-Maġistrat Gabriella Vella daħħal f’butu xejn anqas minn 11-il miljun Ewro, kellu l-ardir jibgħat affidavit b’imejl. Lanqas kellu d-diċenza jibgħatu fil-forma oriġinali tiegħu skont il-liġi Maltija. Waqt is-seduta tal-Erbgħa filgħodu, l-Imħallef Edwina Grima rrimarkat li fl-affidavit tiegħu, Harbinson, l-awtur tal-Inkjesta qal ħafna […]
The Nationalist Party’s refusal to condemn Karol Aquilina’s outrageous speech is infuriating! How dare they stand idly by when Aquilina spews such venom in Parliament, brazenly accusing the Government of wanting to kill at will! This kind of hate-filled rhetoric has rightly drawn condemnation from many, yet the Nationalist Party stays silent. […]
Miroslava (Mira) Milenovic’s web of spin just keeps unraveling. The woman who claimed to be a qualified forensic accountant with the credentials to match is being exposed for what she truly is: a fraud. The Serbian Association of Accountants and Auditors (SAAA) makes it crystal clear that there are three distinct levels […]