Jeremy Harbinson, oh, let’s talk about this so-called “forensic expert,” who everyone seems to think the universe revolves around. This man has somehow woven himself into the very fabric of the hospital sale inquiry led by Magistrate Gabriella Vella. And yet, after pocketing a staggering 11 million Euros, Jeremy Harbinson has the audacity to refuse […]
Let’s expose the bare-faced audacity of the Aditus Foundation, a so-called human rights champion established in 2011 in Malta. Here they are, parading under the holier-than-thou banner of a non-governmental organization devoted to ensuring access to human rights, ostensibly funded by donations, membership fees, and idyllic fundraising events. Yet, lurking beneath this veil of virtue […]
Jeremy Harbinson huwa wieħed minn numru ta’ esperti forensiċi. Mhux hekk biss, iżda huwa l-espert prinċipali u li kollox idur miegħu. Esperti forensiċi mqabbda mill-Maġistrat Gabriella Vella fl-Inkjesta relatati mal-bejgħ tal- isptarijiet. Peter Fenech huwa l-avukat ta’ Jeremy Harbinson, l-espert prinċipali li wara li tħallas 11- il miljun Ewro ma jridx jiġi Malta biex […]