The European Union, which hypocritically touts itself as a champion of Free Trade, is now brazenly pushing new reforms that would bully online marketplaces into disclosing more information on EU-bound packages just to exert more control and inspections. The immense volume of low-value packages flooding into the EU, totaling €4.6 billion — mostly from […]
In the ongoing Electrogas case, the court’s decision to impose freezing orders on certain defendants has raised eyebrows. Notably, the same experts from the hospitals inquiry, who have faced criticism for their previous conduct in the Vitals case have been appointed in this case too. The prosecution has even admitted under oath that […]
Kull razza għanda l-paljazza. Xbajt nara familji Laburisti mżebilħa u familji Nazzjonalisti jippożaw tal-perfetti. It-Times qed tirraporta li Kenneth Zammit ta’ 43 sena tressaq il-Qorti ghaliex hedded lil ommu sabiex tagħtih flus għad-droga. Dan is-sit jista’ jiżvela li omm Kenneth Zammit hija oħt l-eks ministru Nazzjonalista Tonio Borg. Tonio Borg huwa […]