Rapporti mil-qorti qed jgħidu li Thomas Vella, it-tifel tal-eks Imħallef Patrick Vella weħel seba’ snin ħabs fuq frodi li għamel bħala nutar. L-eks Imħallef Patrick Vella, Nazzjonalist magħruf kien weħel sentejn ħabs fuq tixħim f’każ li kien ixxokkja l-pajjiż fi żmien Gvern Nazzjonalista. Fis-sena 2002 fi żmien Eddie Fenech Adami, kien Mario Camilleri […]
Another self-proclaimed beacon of “honesty” and “integrity”—how original, The Shift News! The Shift claims they’re some sort of community-funded online saint stationed in Malta, all noble and devoted to investigative journalism and the mighty defense of press freedom. Cue the applause, people! And please, let’s all take a moment to marvel at […]
F’affidavit bil-ġurament Andre Carbonaro li dak iż-żmien kien tkeċċa minn ma Austin Gatt u kien jaħdem ma Casa, kien għamel affidavit fejn spjega li David Casa kellu vizzju kbir tal-cocaine li kien jieħu ma sħabu. “He (Andre Carbonaro) describes how Casa would be surrounded by friends and also aides, with whom he would […]