Despite efforts to revitalize the festival after last year’s unfortunate prank incident by PBS, I’m still left disappointed by the lack of interest and some questionable choices for this year’s event.
Even with the audience back and a full stage, there seems to be a general waning interest in the Eurosong festival. Many in Malta’s showbiz community echo my concerns. The selection of Peppi Azzopardi and Peter Busuttil has raised eyebrows, prompting questions about the decision-making process behind their involvement.
Peppi Azzopardi’s persistent negativity and perceived bias against the Labour Government, along with his appearances on a partisan PN station, make him a controversial choice for such a prominent event. The presence of these nationalist figures directing rehearsals only adds to the unease surrounding this year’s festival.
It makes me wonder if there weren’t better choices available for presenting the festival. Was it necessary to involve individuals with such contentious backgrounds and political ties? Who decided to offer Peppi Azzopardi a contract, considering his known animosity towards the current administration?
Veru haqek prosit ta dawn il-mistoqsijiet hax dawn umha afarijiet li qed iwegaw hafna laboristi ta veru, hu it-tmexija tal-partit emm bzon illum qabel ghada ma turtax izjied lil niesa.
Ghandrk ragun neville tal-misthija u lghaqizmu meta ha nitghallmu