Għal snin sħaħ id-dettalji xokkanti tal-każ ikrah ta’ vjolenza domestika tal-biċċa blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia nżammu mistura sakemm intesew.
Sakemm kien dan is-sit li żvela u qed ikompli jiżvela d-dettalji koroh.
Il-biċċa blogger kienet fetħet attak krudili fuq maġistrata serja u ta’ onestà.
Dan huwa dak li kien ġie rappurtat fil-Maltatoday dwar il-każ. Imma dan kien biss il-ponta tal-iceberg. Id -dettalji baqgħu mistura għal snin sħaħ.
Maltatoday 7 ta Settembru2011
“Malta Independent columnist and publicist Daphne Caruana Galizia told a court yesterday that TV presenter Lou Bondì was the dinner guest at Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera’s ill-fated dinner party who told her Scerri Herrera had gloated over the blogger’s domestic violence report.
Caruana Galizia was testifying in the defamation case instituted against her by Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera, over a series of blogposts on Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera and her partner Robert Musumeci, the Nationalist mayor.
Caruana Galizia told the court that Bondì and his partner Rachel Attard “went to the toilet” while at the magistrate’s dinner party, to phone Caruana Galizia and tell her about the magistrate’s gloating on a domestic violence incident involving the blogger and her husband Peter Caruana Galizia.
Caruana Galizia responded with a volley of blogs detailing the magistrate’s unsavoury social life, while Plategate – the police report filed by Peter Caruana Galizia after being served with a volley of plates by his angry wife – ran the next day on newspaper l-orizzont.
Lou Bondì later featured Plategate and the ensuring blogs on Scerri Herrera in a Bondiplus edition, limited its guest list to only one media commentator – Fr Joe Borg – who had already publicly taken sides in the matter.
Bondì declared during the programme that he knew and frequented Caruana Galizia, Scerri Herrera and Musumeci. But he omitted to mention that he himself had been a guest at the selfsame dinner party, hosted by the magistrate, who originally sparked off the whole blog exchange.”
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Plategate kienet wahda bis mil linkwiet li kien emm bejnithom, inkwiet li baqa sejer sal-gurnata li halitna. dak inhar stess li halitna qaltlu “imma kif ma tisthux it-tnejn li inthom”.