Repubblika are calling for Byron Camilleri to step down from Cabinet and take responsibility for the drug heist. It’s truly admirable how they hold others to such high standards of honesty and integrity.
However, I have a burning question for Repubblika.
What are your thoughts on your dear friend David Casa’s cocaine addiction? I mean, come on, since you are the self-proclaimed beacon of righteousness, surely you must have some strong opinions on this matter.

Sourse Malta Today
Do you believe that Casa should also resign from the European Parliament, given his involvement in such a scandal?
Or does your definition of honesty and integrity conveniently exclude your own associates?
Nahseb meta Kristu qal biex noghqodu attenti minn allat foloz , nahseb ghal tat-taparsi repubblika kien qieghed jirreferi …….. GHAX JAHSBU LI HUMA ALLAT U FOLOZ IKTAR MINNHOM MAHAWX…….!!
Bhal dejjem ikejlu b’xibirhom ghax daqshekk jafu. Il gustizzja ma jriduwiex wara biebhom. IPOKRITI. IMMA IBQAW CERTI LI TARAG TA KASTILJA MA JITILAWHX JEKK MHIX BI STEDINA LI MA TIXRAQILHOMX. GHAX IR REBHA TAGHNA TERGA TKUN .PL