Who is Miroslava Milenovic, or “Mira” as she’s known in Malta? Well, she’s been handed the role of court expert in three of the most high-profile and politically charged inquiries on the island. But before you accept her credentials at face value, we’ve dug deeper and uncovered some deeply troubling facts.
Let’s start with the basics. Miroslava Milenovic is no stranger to the political scene. In fact, she is a Politically Exposed Person (PEP), according to the stringent guidelines of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). This status isn’t given lightly. It means she has held positions that have granted her access to high-level, potentially sensitive political information.

Miroslava Milenovic
Milenovic’s resume boasts some seriously questionable affiliations. She served as a Special Adviser to the Minister of Economy, a position that undeniably places her in the heart of government dealings. But that’s not all. She’s also a co-founder of the controversial right-wing populist party, Dosta Je Bilo (“Enough is Enough”), a group known for its hardline political stances. Can we really trust someone with such divisive political ties to serve as a neutral expert in such important cases?
The red flags don’t stop there. Milenovic was also a former member of the Serbian Anti-Corruption Council. But let’s not forget—this council has been riddled with its own allegations of corruption and questionable conduct. Should we really trust someone with such a checkered background to handle sensitive matters involving Malta’s most politicised inquiries?
What’s even more concerning is that, despite her history, she was appointed as an expert in the Malta Hospitals, Electrogas, and Times inquiries. Three investigations that could have huge political implications for Malta. And what’s the excuse for appointing someone with such an obvious potential conflict of interest? It’s astonishing that the courts have chosen to overlook the risks posed by this appointment. Could these appointments be an oversight, or is there something more sinister at play?
Miroslava Milenovic, or “Mira,” is a politically exposed figure with a clouded past. Malta deserves better than this. With her appointment, we must ask: is justice really being served, or are political alliances playing a much larger role in the outcomes of these investigations?
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Cumidja paplai mahduma mill magistrata li mexiet linkjiesta. Il-mostoqsija hi, lil din lesperta min hatar, il-magistrata jew Harbinson.