Behold the grand spectacle of hugs, cheek-kisses, and handshakes galore as Zelensky makes his debut at the EU summit in Brussels!
Oh, the tenderness, the camaraderie! It’s like a romcom, but with more political jargon. The EU isn’t just offering support; they’re dishing out sympathy as if it’s a gourmet delicacy. After all, Zelensky’s once-prized puppet master did take a leave of absence.
It’s a carnival of emotions in Brussels as Zelensky graces the stage at the EU summit. There’s enough hugging and kissing to rival a Shakespearean play. Tanks and bullets? Who needs them when you have the EU’s powerful, state-of-the-art techno-kissing arsenal ready for deployment?
Ladies and gentlemen, the European politicians are poised to waltz into the geopolitical drama with Russia. So grab your popcorn and settle in; this performance is just getting started!