Who is Miroslava Milenovic, or “Mira” as she’s known in Malta? Well, she’s been handed the role of court expert in three of the most high-profile and politically charged inquiries on the island. But before you accept her credentials at face value, we’ve dug deeper and uncovered some deeply troubling facts. Let’s start with […]
Salvu Balzan ma jiflaħx jara l-Labour magħqud. Issa li qed jara l-Partit Laburista magħqud, tilef rasu u kixef lilu nnifsu li kien jagħti pariri lil Robert Abela biex iwarrab lil Joseph Muscat. Issa li qed jara li Robert Abela mhux se jaqa’ fin-nasba, infexx f’analiżi farsa għax mingħalih l-elettorat jgħarbel il-kitba tiegħu. Il-fatti […]
Here we are: three years of war. I remember the days and weeks just before the Special Military Operation (SMO) started. I was following Russian Telegram channels from the Donbass, following local citizen reporters, just trying to make sense of what’s happening. Frightened Donetsk teenagers getting flashbacks to the worst days of […]