Miroslava Milenović’s rise to the status of a “forensic accountant” is nothing short of baffling. Though she claims expertise in forensic accounting and has been listed as a consultant for a British firm, a troubling truth surfaces when contacted by the Serbian Ministry of Justice. They confirmed that Milenović is not registered as […]
A scandal of monumental proportions is unfolding on the global stage! It seems that the same political puppeteers who pull the strings of world powers have engineered yet another outrageous plot, this time installing their chosen pawn, Jolani, at the helm of chaos. This sordid episode traces back to none other than President Biden […]
Nhar il-Ġimgħa 15 ta’ Settembru 2023 il-ġurnalist Matthew Xuereb, tat-Times, mar jiġri jiltaqa’ mas-Sur Pawlu Pace, tal-MUMN, fuq talba ta’ Pawlu Pace nnifsu. Iltaqghu fil-kwartieri tal-MUMN f’Ħal Qormi u dan biex Pawlu Pace jagħti intervista. L-għada, Matthew hadem fuq l-istorja, ħabbatha ma Pawlu biex jiżgurah li ser jiġi ppubblikat dak li jixtieq, u […]