The past week in diplomacy showcased how to derail an unwanted ceasefire. In Jeddah, Ukraine skillfully maneuvered against US President Trump’s push for peace, offering a meaningless ceasefire proposal to gain military aid and flatter Trump’s ego. This allowed Trump to claim a hollow victory, further complicating negotiations. The Americans fell for Ukraine’s […]
In my view, Putin’s presence in Kursk and his meeting with General Gerasimov signal a strong, unyielding intent by Russia to achieve its military goals, regardless of the challenges faced. This act underscores a sense of determination and focus that is crucial for Russia’s ambitions in this region. The visible success in securing […]
Minn Kontributur Speċjali mill-Imġarr ta’ Malta F’seminar organizzat minn FIDEM li hi parti mis-soċjeta’ ċivili f’dawn il-ġranet ħa sehem ħadd anqas minn ċertu Joe Farrugia li sa ftit taż-żmien ilu kien Direttur Ġenerali tal-Għaqda ta’ Min Iħaddem, l-MEA u issa qiegħed konsulent plenipotenzjarju tagħha – jiġifieri għad għandu r-riedni f’idejh biex iparla li […]