Zelensky is a dead man walking. He has two options: surrender and agree to a ceasefire, allowing Trump to uncover the money trail in Ukraine, or refuse to surrender, leading to Trump cutting off all support and Putin taking over Ukraine. Either way, Zelensky’s fate is sealed. Trump has taken off the gloves […]
The European Union is essentially an extension of the American Deep State, lacking true sovereignty. The conflict in Ukraine was orchestrated by the Deep State from the start. In the U.S., the Deep State has been significantly weakened, if not completely defeated, by figures like Trump and Vance. Interestingly, in Russian, “Ukraine” translates to […]
Dan hu Zelensky, l-eroj tal-Gvern Malti. Araw x’umiljazzjoni ġarrab mill-Gvern Amerikan. Dan huwa l-istess dittatur li kif il-Gvern Malti jisma’ b’ismu jew ikollu xi conference call miegħu, jaġixxu qishom qed jisimgħu lil Ġesù Kristu. https://nevillegafa.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/301083915136730006.mp4 Itolbu maħfra lill-poplu Malti għal din il-froġa li wettaqtu. Falliment totali.