The recent revelation of Mr. Pace’s involvement in a serious financial crime investigation by the FCID has undoubtedly raised significant concerns within MUMN, the Health Department but also the broader community. The communication from the Police on 8 October 2024, notifying Mater Dei of the ongoing investigation, underscores the gravity of the situation. […]
Minn Korrispondent Filwaqt li fi ħdan l-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta bħal dan iż-żmien tas-sena jkunu qegħdin jiġu ċelebrati diversi quddies tal-Griżma tal-Isqof fejn kif jgħidu ż-żgħażagħ isiru suldati ta’ Kristu, hekk ukoll huma l-Laburisti fid-Duttrina tagħhom daqs li kieku ikunu qegħdin jiġu ppreparati għall-Griżma. Id-Duttrina Laburista għandha għal qalbha lill-ħaddiem fil-milja kollha […]
A few months ago, Robert Aquilina, a thorn in the side of the PN, insinuated that Joseph Muscat has resigned himself to facing criminal justice on the hospitals deal. It’s no secret that a good number of Nationalist Party Parliamentary Members and activists can’t stand the sight of him, fearing the damage he continues to […]