Dan l-aħħar kont qed inkellimkom ftit dwar Id-Deputat Ryan Callus … dak li spiċċa photoshopped minn ritratt. Din l-istorja ma waqfitx fuq Facebook u videos, taħsbux. Spiċċat quddiem l-ogħla istituzzjoni tal-pajjiż: il-Parlament. Daħħal mhux waħda, lanqas tnejn… imma 4 mistoqsijiet parlamentari fuq dan “l-iskandlu”, kollha għall-Ministru Miriam Dalli. Insomma, dan tgħallem x’inhuma t-tattiċi […]
President Donald Trump has signed off on shutting down USAID, with Secretary Rubio assuming the role of acting administrator. In his letter to lawmakers, Secretary Rubio delegated authority to Pete Marocco, a Trump appointee with previous experience at USAID. The aim of this reorganization is to maximize efficiency and align operations with the […]
Ah, Simon Busuttil, the political genius who was the PN star candidate for the 2013 election campaign, boldly claimed that reducing electricity bills was simply impossible. Apparently, it was far beyond his party’s capabilities to do something as mind-boggling as lowering costs for the average citizen. Forget about what everyone else thought—the Nats knew better. […]