Over a century ago, the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 marked Europe’s dominance over Africa, carving up and exploiting the continent’s vast resources. The French held sway over Indochina, India functioned under British rule, and European influences shaped Chinese foreign policy. During this era, Europe exercised control over more than half the world’s territories, and no […]
Who is Miroslava Milenovic, or “Mira” as she’s known in Malta? Well, she’s been handed the role of court expert in three of the most high-profile and politically charged inquiries on the island. But before you accept her credentials at face value, we’ve dug deeper and uncovered some deeply troubling facts. Let’s start with […]
Salvu Balzan ma jiflaħx jara l-Labour magħqud. Issa li qed jara l-Partit Laburista magħqud, tilef rasu u kixef lilu nnifsu li kien jagħti pariri lil Robert Abela biex iwarrab lil Joseph Muscat. Issa li qed jara li Robert Abela mhux se jaqa’ fin-nasba, infexx f’analiżi farsa għax mingħalih l-elettorat jgħarbel il-kitba tiegħu. Il-fatti […]