The recent turn of events in the Vitals healthcare corruption case has left a bitter taste in our mouths. The prosecution’s decision to back down from calling Milenović as a key witness, citing a criminal complaint from the defendants, is a cowardly move that reeks of injustice. The fact that Milenović lacks […]
L-Inkjesta Vitals swiet il-pajjiż mal-ħdax -il miljun ewro, mħallsin mit-taxxi tal-Poplu lil numru ta’ esperti, sabiex janalizzaw l-konċessjoni tal-Isptarijiet u fuq il-bażi tal-opinjonijiet tagħhom inħarġu l-akkużi fil-konfront ta’ Joseph Muscat u oħrajn. Jumejn ilu, fl-aħħar seduta quddiem il-Qorti, wara numru ta’ mistoqsijiet, id-difiża ta’ Joseph Muscat elenkat ftit mill-ħafna fatti żbaljati f’ dan il-proċess, […]
The phenomenon of Trump’s electoral success can be attributed to a myriad of factors, with a primary emphasis on his ability to address the fundamental concerns of the populace. Issues such as border security, inflation, crime rates, cessation of wars, national priorities, education, housing, affordable energy, and, in collaboration with RFK Jr, health and well-being, […]