I wanted to share some insights on the recent developments surrounding Former Ukrainian President Zelensky, particularly in light of his background and rise to power. Shortly before the Lex Fridman interview was released, Zelensky made headlines by claiming to have healed a paralyzed soldier through touch. While some may dismiss this as […]
The Deep State’s greatest trick was convincing the world they did not exist. They already had complete control before Trump, and 99%+ of the public were completely asleep. Why would they wake all of us up if they already had complete control? Why would they put forth all of this resistance and ammunition towards Trump […]
Aktar kmieni llum kien hemm żvilupp importanti fil-kawża Vitals. Il-qorti permezz ta’ digriet tas-sinjorija tagħha l-Magistrat Rachel Montebello, ċaħdet it-talba tal-prosekuzzjoni li l-espert prinċipali fl-inkjesta jitħalla jixhed bil-kompjuter mill-kumdita’ ta daru fir-Renju Unit. Għal xi raġuni, is-sur Harbinson qiegħed jipprova minn kollox sabiex ma’ jiġix f’pajjiżna jagħmel id-dover tiegħu u jispjega lill-Qorti dak li […]