The Nationalist Party—a name that suggests unity, grit, and a shared dream for what’s to come. Or so the brochure says. For a party that’s spent a respectable 13 years warming the opposition benches, you might assume they’d be devising a grand return strategy worthy of a political chess grandmaster. But why do that when […]
Lil Joseph Muscat ukoll kienu jiskreditawh għax kien “reporter tas-Super One” u malajr tahom risposta għax rebħilhom għaxar elezzjonijiet, waħda wara l-oħra. Għal Christine Amaira mid-dehra xi diżunur. Għal kuntrarju jien nibqa’ kburija li tajt snin ta’ servizz fil-kamra tal-aħbarijiet ta’ ONE. Żmien sabiħ fejn tgħallimt ħafna. Nibqa’ impennjata li […]
The Nationalist Party – a name that so beautifully encapsulates unity, solidarity, and a shared vision for the future. Or, at least, that’s what you’d expect. For a party that’s spent a commendable 13 years in the chilly embrace of opposition, one might think they’d be busy plotting a comeback strategy to rival any political […]