Simon Busuttil, a former leader of the opposition, has returned to Malta, bringing with him the toxic political climate he once supported. His tendency for personal attacks and sensationalism has only served to tarnish Malta’s reputation on the international stage. Instead of promoting constructive dialogue, he resorts to fear-mongering regarding proposed reforms to the criminal […]
The deeper we dig, the murkier the truth becomes! Miroslava “Mira” Milenovic, the so-called “forensic accountant” linked to the Hospitals, Electrogas, and Times of Malta inquiries, has been parading as a Forensic Accountant – but is she really what she claims to be? Yesterday, we unmasked Mira and exposed the shocking truth – she […]
Minn kontributur Mġarr Fil-ġranet meta Malta qeda tfakkar il-magħmudija tagħha bħala pajjiż Kattoliku u fi żmien meta kien sar sforz preċedentement li jingħalqu l-ġrieħi mal-Knisja Kattolika f’Malta, tajjeb li nfakkru wkoll li kien il-Partit Laburista fil-Gvern li fl-1996 kien mill-ewwel tellaq bl-idea biex issir il-Fondazzjoni tal-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann. Permezz tal-Ex […]