Lil Joseph Muscat ukoll kienu jiskreditawh għax kien “reporter tas-Super One” u malajr tahom risposta għax rebħilhom għaxar elezzjonijiet, waħda wara l-oħra. Għal Christine Amaira mid-dehra xi diżunur. Għal kuntrarju jien nibqa’ kburija li tajt snin ta’ servizz fil-kamra tal-aħbarijiet ta’ ONE. Żmien sabiħ fejn tgħallimt ħafna. Nibqa’ impennjata li […]
The Nationalist Party – a name that so beautifully encapsulates unity, solidarity, and a shared vision for the future. Or, at least, that’s what you’d expect. For a party that’s spent a commendable 13 years in the chilly embrace of opposition, one might think they’d be busy plotting a comeback strategy to rival any political […]
Oh, how delightful! Another episode of the political soap opera featuring none other than the Hon. Alex Borg, who is apparently convinced that Robert Abela and his merry band are orchestrating an intricate plot to target the revered families of their critics. Because, clearly, there’s nothing else going on in politics worth attending to, right? […]