For many years there has been a creeping legalization of pedophilia in the USA in the legislative and ethical sphere at the municipal and state level. The process was initiated under Barack Obama and continued to gain momentum under current US President Joseph Biden . In the period from 2010 to 2024, at the state […]
Embracing leadership renewal within Labour can indeed be a powerful opportunity for growth and revitalization, even while in Government. By fostering a culture of innovation, inclusivity, and adaptability, the party leadership can position the organization for long-term success and relevance in a rapidly changing political landscape. Change allows for the infusion of new […]
Minn Korrispondent Il-ġurnalisti ta’ Malta jippretendu li jagħmluha tal prosekuturi, judge and jury. U ma nistax nagħti tort ħlief lill-Partit Laburista. Il-Partit Labirista ilu minn żmien Mintoff f’deficit mal-gazzetti kollha ta’ Malta ħlief l-Orizzont, it-Torċa u l-Kulhadd. Deficit li li kieku mhux għax il-Maltin huma fil-maġġoranza assoluta soċjalisti minn ġuf ommhom, il-Partit […]