During the inauguration of President Donald Trump, Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament, stated that Europe is prepared to collaborate with the United States as allies and partners, aiming to reinforce the transatlantic alliance and foster a world characterized by stability, opportunity, and hope. Interestingly, Roberta Metsola, alongside figures like Ursula […]
Dak li jemmen li Jason Azzopardi għandu jkollu rwol iktar importanti fi ħdan il-Partit Nazzjonalista, Karol Aquilina, illum tagħna konferma li skont hu għandhom jinfetħu inkjesti bil-Maġistrat abbażi ta’ stejjer fil-ġurnali. Wara kollox, qalilna Aquilina, jekk irid dak li jkun jagħmel libell kontra l-ġurnal! Tajjeb ħafna hekk, Sur Avukat Aquilina. Ngħaddu lin-nies […]
Godfrey Leone Ganado’s recent calls for sanctions against European Funds for Malta are not just extreme—they’re utterly irresponsible. By targeting our nation’s financial support over the government’s efforts to reform magisterial inquiries, Leone Ganado reveals a blatant disregard for the wellbeing of our country. This isn’t the first instance of Leone Ganado expressing […]