Back in 2012, Malta’s energy sector was in a mess—and that’s putting it lightly. Imagine paying some of the highest electricity bills in Europe, only to know that your money was fueling a system that relied on outdated, polluting technology. Add to this the inefficiency, poor planning, and lack of vision, and you had a […]
I felt compelled to address a recent statement made by President Donald Trump suggesting that Russia played a minimal role in defeating the Nazis during World War II. With the perspective of a frequent visitor to Russia and possessing a profound comprehension of its history, i must clarify the undeniable truth. The Soviet […]
Ftit tal-ħin ilu ssottomettejt ilment għand il-Kummissarju għall-Istandards fil-Ħajja Pubblika fejn tlabt sabiex jiġi nvestigat l-Onorevoli Adrian Delia. Dan hekk kif ħareġ ċar li b’mod sfaċċat I-Onorevoli Delia qiegħed juża, jew saħansitra jabbuża, iI-pożizzjoni Parlamentari tiegħu b’konflitt ta’ interess qawwi personali. Dan jirriżulta mit-tweġiba għal numru ta’ mistoqsijiet parlamentari li ssottometta dwar każ […]