Ħadt pjaċir meta smajt lill-Ministru tal-Intern, l-Onor.Camilleri, iħabbar illi tnieda proċess li permezz tiegħu se jiħraxu l-liġijiet kontra min juża l-vjolenza kontra Pulizija jewuffiċjali pubbliċi. Hekk sewwa u xieraq. Fil-fatt kont ilni nisħaq dwar din il-ħtieġa, u ma narax għaliex kellna għalfejn noqogħdu nistennew sakemm seħħ l-inċident sfortunat tal-Ħamrun fejn ġew aggrediti żewġ uffiċjali tal-Pulizija […]
My analysis suggests that the Hamas-Israel agreement carries significant implications across various dimensions. The agreement between Hamas and Israel a year ago, which seemingly traded Palestinian lives for Israel’s international reputation, has had far-reaching consequences that both parties may not have fully anticipated. Hamas, in seeking to provoke a reaction from Israel, may […]
It is evident that there has been a significant amount of political, informational, economic, and psychological warfare waged against both President Trump and the American people. They committed treason and crimes against humanity, and now they want to play victim because they know Trump is about to win. The Dems have seen the […]