Huwa stat ta’ fatt li nhar it-8 ta’ Ġunju li għadda, il-Partit Laburista rebaħ kemm l-Elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli Lokali kif ukoll dawk tal-Parlament Ewropew, però l-maġġoranza tal-Partit Laburista naqset konsiderevolment, sal-punt li naqqas siġġu fil-Parlament Ewropew u tilef il-maġġoranza f’diversi kunsilli lokali madwar il-pajjiż. Biex inkun qed ngħid kollox, dan mhux neċessarjament ifisser li l-Oppożizzjoni tinsab […]
I am writing to express my frustration over the lack of accountability in the recent scandals involving architect Toni Bezzina. This is the third significant controversy, following his role in sending government workers to the PN club in Żurrieq and a questionable application for an ODZ villa under Mdina. Despite these issues, there […]
The Nationalist Party is actively attempting to infiltrate Labour’s domain by launching both overt and covert offensives. Considering this assertive posture from our rivals, it’s crucial for Labour to adopt a proactive strategy instead of merely responding to their maneuvers. It is time for Labour to demonstrate resilience and show that we cannot be […]