As we approach Independence Day, it is important to reflect on the significance of the Constitution of Malta, adopted on September 21, 1964, which marks its sixtieth anniversary this year. In light of this milestone, I propose a constitutional amendment that limits the co-option of individuals to a single instance. This change would uphold […]
Sur Prim Ministru, Hekk kif resqin lejn il-Festa tal-Indipendenza, wieħed ma jistax ma jiftakarx illi fid-data tal-21 ta’ Settembru 1964, Il-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta attwali ġiet adottata bħala ordni legali. Għaldaqstant din is-sena se nkunu qed niċċelebraw is-sittin anniversarju mill-adozzjoni tal-Kostituzzjoni. Qed nissuġġerixxi emenda kostituzzjonali; Li persuna tista’ tiġi co-opted darba […]
The Democratic party’s initial animosity towards Trump was indeed fueled by the unfounded narrative perpetuated by the mainstream media, portraying him as a Russian asset and an impending dictator. Despite the lack of evidence to support these claims, a significant portion of the population continued to harbor disdain towards Trump. It is evident that […]