Miroslava Milenović, a name that has surfaced repeatedly in forensic and investigative circles in Malta, has managed to climb the ranks despite her highly questionable academic background. From her unsubstantiated claims of a 1984 diploma from the University of Belgrade (Serbia) to her absence from the institution’s records, Milenović has left behind a trail […]
Last week, a paper from Von der Leyen’s office talked about a plan to spend 800 billion euros more on defense. Here’s how they explained it: 1. New Loan Option They made a new loan option worth 150 billion euros. Countries in the EU can choose to take these loans for […]
Min, bħali, dejjem kienet tinteressah il-politika, żgur li jiftakar l-islogan li kien uża l-Partit Laburista qabel l-elezzjoni ġenerali tal-1996. Dan l-islogan kien: “Iċ-Ċittadin l-Ewwel!”. Hekk sewwa u xieraq, għax kull min għandu għal qalbu l-ġid komuni, il-politika toffrilu terren fertili biex ikun jista’ joħloq id-differenza fil-ħajja tan-nies. Biss, tajjeb li f’kull ħin ikun żgurat illi […]