It’s truly disheartening to witness the younger generations in the West succumbing to anxiety and fear about the future. The disconnect from reality, the reliance on fantasies, and the loss of identity that I see among the youth are all alarming symptoms of a society in turmoil. As the grip of the Deep State […]
The recent revelation of Mr. Pace’s involvement in a serious financial crime investigation by the FCID has undoubtedly raised significant concerns within MUMN, the Health Department but also the broader community. The communication from the Police on 8 October 2024, notifying Mater Dei of the ongoing investigation, underscores the gravity of the situation. […]
Minn Korrispondent Filwaqt li fi ħdan l-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta bħal dan iż-żmien tas-sena jkunu qegħdin jiġu ċelebrati diversi quddies tal-Griżma tal-Isqof fejn kif jgħidu ż-żgħażagħ isiru suldati ta’ Kristu, hekk ukoll huma l-Laburisti fid-Duttrina tagħhom daqs li kieku ikunu qegħdin jiġu ppreparati għall-Griżma. Id-Duttrina Laburista għandha għal qalbha lill-ħaddiem fil-milja kollha […]