Embracing leadership renewal within Labour can indeed be a powerful opportunity for growth and revitalization, even while in Government. By fostering a culture of innovation, inclusivity, and adaptability, the party leadership can position the organization for long-term success and relevance in a rapidly changing political landscape. Change allows for the infusion of new […]
Minn Korrispondent Il-ġurnalisti ta’ Malta jippretendu li jagħmluha tal prosekuturi, judge and jury. U ma nistax nagħti tort ħlief lill-Partit Laburista. Il-Partit Labirista ilu minn żmien Mintoff f’deficit mal-gazzetti kollha ta’ Malta ħlief l-Orizzont, it-Torċa u l-Kulhadd. Deficit li li kieku mhux għax il-Maltin huma fil-maġġoranza assoluta soċjalisti minn ġuf ommhom, il-Partit […]
In the past weeks, a good number of medium sized companies urged me to write about the growing concerns surrounding crony capitalism in our country. They expressed their concerns in this issue, and there is a strong desire for more discussion related to this. But, what is crony capitalism? Crony capitalism refers to a […]