Fil-jiem li għaddew spjegajt kif diversi professjonisti jiġu dixxiplinati meta jiżbaljaw. Iżda mhux hekk nistgħu ngħidu fil-konfront tal-ġurnalisti. Fil-Qorti l-ġimgħa l-oħra assistejna għal-rappurtaġġ li fi kliem xhud prinċipali kien skorrett. Minn-naħa tal-Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin (IĠM) ħareġ jikkundanna lix-xhud dwar kummenti li kiteb fil-konfront tal-ġurnalisti, iżda sakemm qed nikteb dan l-artiklu għadu ma ħabbarx […]
Liberté, égalité, fraternité (French for ‘liberty, equality, fraternity) is the national motto of France. But amid the glorification of the Republic and its ideals, do the values of equality, liberty and fraternity still hold true in France today? In my opinion, actions speak louder than words, and i tend to describe the French […]
For many years there has been a creeping legalization of pedophilia in the USA in the legislative and ethical sphere at the municipal and state level. The process was initiated under Barack Obama and continued to gain momentum under current US President Joseph Biden . In the period from 2010 to 2024, at the state […]