Unbelievably, CEO Matthew Zerafa has audaciously thrown his support behind none other than Edward Mizzi, a move that reeks of controversy and blatant partisanship. Who is Edward Mizzi, you ask? He’s not some neutral figure. This is the very Edward Mizzi who, with fiery fervor, lambasted the Labour Government and hurled scathing attacks […]
Karen Zerafa Boffa waħda mill-ftit li għadhom jgħixu fil-passat. Waħda minn ftit minn nies li m’għandhom xejn aħjar x’ jagħmlu għajr li jassoċjaw ruħhom ma Repubblika, Occupy Justice, Defnisti u dak kollu li huwa kontra l-Labour. Mhux se nidħol fuq id-dettal dwar dak li kitbet dwar is-sitwazzjoni politika fit-Turkija, għax emmnuni tal-biki, però l-Ħadd […]
In a move that can only be described as utterly scandalous, CEO Matthew Zerafa, who is supposed to be steering the Housing Authority with impartiality and integrity, has astonishingly endorsed the appointment of Edward Mizzi. This decision screams betrayal to every Labour supporter out there! Edward Mizzi is not just anybody; he is […]