Illum fil-Qorti ħareġ biċ-ċar il-ħadma kbira li saret biex jippruvaw iċappsu lil Joseph Muscat u jtellawh il-Qorti. Ftit tal-ħin ilu Dr Muscat temm ix-xhieda tiegħu fil-kawża dwar ir-rikuża tal-Maġistrat Gabriella Vella quddiem l-Imħallef Giovanni Grixti u se ntella’ uħud mill-punti ewlenin. Komplu segwuna
His Excellency Dr. Emmanuel Mallia officially submitted his Letters of Credence to Mr. Adrián Martín Couce, Director-General of Protocol, Chancellery, and Orders at the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. This ceremony marks the beginning of his mission as Malta’s Ambassador to Spain. On behalf of our team we […]
A rather miraculous phenomenon seems to be occurring with alarming frequency in our beloved country. Yes, you guessed it – I’m talking about the miraculous conversions of Nationalists to Labour supporters. It’s truly a sight to behold, isn’t it? Now, I must say, I have no qualms about people changing their political allegiance. After […]