Robert Aquilina just can’t seem to stop spewing out the frustration and desperation that’s boiling over inside him, can he? It’s like watching a politician on a sinking ship, flailing around as they realize they’re heading for political oblivion. He had the nerve to raise a barrage of questions concerning the Court of Appeal’s […]
The drama is intoxicating! Serious allegations have exploded onto the scene, ensnaring none other than Roberta Metsola, the President of the EU Parliament. Allegations of academic deceit have been thrown her way, suggesting she brazenly manipulated her way through her law studies by supposedly copying nearly half of a doctoral thesis. But wait—here’s the jaw-dropping […]
Allegazzjonijiet serji fil-konfront tal-President tal-Parlament Ewropew Roberta Metsola. Ġie irrappurtat li Roberta Metsola kkupjat b’mod estensiv minn fuq oħrajn għat-teżi finali tagħha fl-Università ta’ Malta. Sostna dan Stefan Weber awtur u riċerkatur tal-media. L-istess rapporti jgħidu li Metsola qarrqet b’mod sfaċċat waqt li kienet qed tistudja l-liġi fejn saħansitra qed tiġi akkużata li kkupjat […]