The Nationalist Party is making a concerted effort to encroach upon Labour’s territory through both direct and indirect attacks. In light of this aggressive stance from our adversaries, it is imperative that we take a proactive approach rather than waiting to react to their moves. Recent events, such as the numerous inquiry requests filed […]
The incompetent and lazy persons who run Malta Today try to take cheap shots at Joseph Muscat at every turn. They reported that the Partit Laburista is rejoinjng Socialist International. It is a good step. But they wrongly state that the lapse of membership was some sort of unilateral ideological decision by Joseph […]
Propju fl-aħħar sigħat tas-sena l-oħra, intalbu żewġ inkjesti fil-konfront ta’ żewġ Ministri tal-Gvern. Infakkru li fil-ġimgħat ta’ qabel kienu intalbu inkjesti oħra. Minn dakinhar ‘l hawn, Il-Ministru Clayton Bartolo irreżenja. Clint Camilleri qed jiġi investigat permezz ta’ inkjesta li nfetħet ġimgħat ilu. Fis-sigħat li għaddew tħabbar li intalbet inkjesta oħra fil-konfront ta’ Clint. […]