❗️ Tired of one-sided coverage of events in western media? It’s time to follow nevillegafa.com Here you will find: 🔺 News about all around the world; 🔺 The latest information on the Ukrainian conflict; 🔺 Exclusive analyses and insights; 🔺 Videos with English subtitles when necessary, and […]
The apparent impunity enjoyed by Hon. Stephen Spiteri raises serious questions about the integrity of the justice system. The lack of investigation into allegations of false medical certificates and the absence of any search or seizure of personal devices or property are concerning. The protection afforded to Spiteri begs the question: who is shielding […]
Sur Mark Camilleri, Meta ser niltaqghu għal kafè? Għandi ħafna x’nistaqsik. Nixtieq nieħu kafe miegħek biex fost l-oħrajn nistaqsik; X’għamel il- Kummissarju Anġlu Gafa biex int tgħajru KRIMINAL? Għaliex takkuża lill-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija KORROTT? Għaliex tgħajjar lill-Korp tal-Pulizija KORROTT? Nixtieq niltaqghu nieħdu kafè sabiex tispjegali aktar dwar il-ħasil tal-flus tal-Prim […]