Congratulations to Ian and Alex on their new roles as Deputy Leaders of the Labor Party. As we move forward post-conference, it is crucial that we all come together to support them in their endeavors. However their success is intricately tied to the level of autonomy and trust granted to them by the […]
Nawgura liż-żewġ Deputati Mexxejja tal-Partit Laburista. Issa li għaddiet il-konferenza, ejjew niġu għar-realtà. Ian u Alex għandhom quddiemhom ħidma intensiva x’jattwaw. Ħidma li għandha twassal lill-Partit għal rebħa elettorali oħra. Però dan kollu jseħħ billi aħna ta’ taħt ngħinuhom u nagħtuhom l-appoġġ meħtieġ. Iżda fl-istess waqt il-ħidma tagħhom tista’ tiġi effettiva skont kemm […]
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