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Harbinson’s credibility is further eroded by his choice of collaborators, including Sam Sittlington, a consultant with a chequered history. Sittlington, tasked with liaising with Magistrate Vella and overseeing Malta-based efforts, has faced his own controversies, including dismissal by the British government over his work in Guyana and allegations of conflicts of interest involving PricewaterhouseCoopers. […]
Qabel dan s-sit jiżvela esklussiva xokkanti dwar Robert Abela se nagħmillu domanda. Robert Abela huwa vera li qed tinnegozja mad-Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation sabiex tagħtihom ħames miljun ewro kumpens? Kumpens ta’ xiex? Talli kienet tirrifjuta fixed point? Talli kienet ixxerred l-mibeghda? Talli qatt ma ħallset taxxa? Talli kellha każ […]