I can’t believe the audacity of these rumors about you, Paul Pace. Can you confirm or deny the following points: 1. Is it true that a year and three months ago, you gave up and wanted to regularize your position? 2. Is it true that in order to do this, you applied […]
Iktar minn għaxar snin wara li żewġha ħalla partit b’20 miljun ewro dejn, Gloria Borg Olivier hija s-Segretarja tas-Segretarju Ġenerali tal-PN. Din hi kariga li ħadd ma jridha u kienu se jgħabbuha lil Karl Gouder issa li d-dejn żied għal 30 miljun. Dan ifisser ukoll li b’xi mod Pawlu Borg Olivier għadu […]
I am writing to express my absolute disgust at the recent accusations made by the PN regarding the Labour Party’s supposed exploitation of Karl Gouder’s tragic death for political gain. It is beyond infuriating to witness such baseless claims being thrown around, especially when the true culprits of using Karl Gouder for their own agendas […]