So war monger Roberta Metsola just wrote on social media “I will always be proud of what Europe has achieved, but we must also be honest about where we could have done better. Where we could have listened more, or acted faster. Where we may have gone too far, too fast. Sure Roberta, you […]
Il-PN dejjem ftaħar li huwa l-Partit tal-avukati, però jidher li saru l-Partit tal-Avukati tal-ilma qiegħed. Qed ngħid dan għaliex tibqa’ skantat b’dak li jitolbu minn żmien għal żmien. Il-Partit Nazzjonalista qed jippretendi li l-Prim Ministru jitlob apoloġija dwar l-Inkjesta Maġisterjali ta ‘ 17 Black. Il-Prim Ministru m’għandux għaliex jitlob apoloġija. Apoloġija tista’ […]
In July 2023, the secrets of Magistrate Gabriella Vella, who now aspires to become a Judge, came to light. This controversy ignited when the Court Registrar requested her to submit a report filed by Repubblika against Dr. Muscat in November 2021. However, Magistrate Vella responded that she had conducted a thorough investigation and found nothing. […]