The disgraceful behavior of Dr. Stephen Spiteri is a stain on his party and the entire political landscape. Not only has he been embroiled in a scandal related to fake certificates but now his crony, Duncan Borg Myatt, is poised to take his place. This man, who has been unsuccessfully vying for […]
Qed nghid kos, is-Sibt li għadda kien hemm l-attivita’ ta’ Repubblika. Għaqda iżgħar minn każin tal-banda tar-raħal. Kont qed nistennihom jitkellmu dwar il-Fake Expert Miroslava Milenovic. Minflok ma tniffsux dwar dan l-iskandlu li sewa €11 -il miljun mit-taxxi tal-poplu. Diga’ beżquk ċuċ!
Can you believe the audacity of Vickie Cremona? Speaking at a vigil honoring Daphne Caruana Galizia, she had the nerve to call out the nepotism scandal involving government ministers, but conveniently ignored the scandal involving forensic expert Miroslava Milenovic! This woman, who admitted in court that she lacks the qualifications to be a forensic […]