The Nationalist Party’s staggering debt of thirty million euros, initiated by Pawlu Borg Olivier, is a stark reminder of the financial mismanagement within the party. It is infuriating to see that tax evasion appears to be a common practice among PN members, almost as if it is a part of their organizational culture. The […]
Il-Partit Nazzjonalista għandu tletin miljun ewro dejn li bdiehom Pawlu Borg Olivier. Imma iktar qed joħroġ ċar li l-PN huwa għaqda ta’ dawk li jevadu t-taxxa. Kważi jistgħu jiktbuha fl-istatut tant kemm hu vizzju mifrux fil-PN. Ma ninsewx li llum tax evasion tista’ tfisser money laundering. L-istorja ta’ snin […]
Yet another remarkable individual within the Financial Crime and Investigation Department (FCID). Following in the footsteps of former Superintendent Frank Anthony Tabone, we have discovered another police officer with seemingly superhuman abilities. Alessandra Mamo, the former Deputy Commissioner of Police, has astounded us all with her divine ability to be in two […]