The recent developments in the Court regarding the main expert of the Magisterial Inquiry of Vitals, Jeremy Harbinson, have raised serious concerns. Despite being requested to testify via video conference by the Attorney General, Harbinson failed to appear and did not respond to the Court’s call. This behavior is unacceptable, especially considering the significant […]
Sur Prim Ministru, Id-delegati tkellmu bil-vot. Id-delegati bgħatulek messaġġ ċar. Id-delegati saħansitra għelbu l-magna ta’ Kastilja. Nispera li trattab rasek u twarrab is-suppervja. Għax ĦADD inkluż INT ma hu akbar mill-Partit.
ELLA SALIBA tifla ta 8 snin, Il-bieraħ telqet flimkien mal-familja tagħha għal Great Ormond hospital biex issirilha operazzjoni f’qalbha u oħra f’saqajha. Nitlobkom iżżommuha fit-talb tagħkom. GRAZZI MINN QALBNA. TIM DONINU MALTA