Dan is-sit ifakkar il-memorja ta’ Raymond Caruana, f’għeluq it-38 anniversarju mill-qtil tiegħu. Bħal Karen Grech, Raymond Caruana qatt ma xerred il-mibgħeda. Mhux bħal Daphne Caruana Galizia. Jistrieħ fis-Sliem.
In a Press release issued by the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry on Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s participation in the upcoming OSCE Ministerial Council meeting held in Malta, the Ministry said that Special attention will be paid to failure to issue visas to members of the Russian delegation who planned to attend various OSCE events, including […]
Announcement 🗓 The 31st OSCE Ministerial Council meeting (Ministerial Council) will be held in Valletta, Republic of Malta, on December 5-6, with the participation of Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. During the forthcoming Ministerial Council meeting, the Russian delegation will focus on assessing the possibility of overcoming the organisation’s crisis on the eve of its […]