I am writing to express my absolute disgust at the recent accusations made by the PN regarding the Labour Party’s supposed exploitation of Karl Gouder’s tragic death for political gain. It is beyond infuriating to witness such baseless claims being thrown around, especially when the true culprits of using Karl Gouder for their own agendas […]
The recent events unfolding in our country have left me both shocked and appalled. The sense of entitlement displayed by certain individuals is unprecedented, and it is clear that part of the blame lies with the Labour Party for allowing this behavior to go unchecked for far too long. The messages being sent to […]
Dan is-sit jawgura lil Jorge Grech meta l-bieraħ ġie mgħoti l-premju ta’ Ten Outstanding Young Person’s (TOYP) fil-kategorija ta’ Affarijiet Politiċi u Governattivi waqt iċ-ċerimonja organizzata minn JCI Malta. F’ kummenti fuq il- Facebook page tiegħu, Jorge Grech qal “dan il-premju jfisser ħinijiet twal u sagrifiċċji fi skiet, sabiex nagħmel dak kollu possibli […]